Sumber : Kak Ray Gambar : Baya
Bahan Yang Perlu : 500 gm ikan tenggeri, nyuk-nyuk, merah, salmon pun sedap 1 biji bawang besar cincang 4 ulas bawang putih, hiris 1 inci halia, hiris 4 biji cili hijau 2 tangkai daun kari 1/2 sudu teh biji sawi 1 sudu teh serbuk jintan putih 1 sudu teh garam masala 2 sudu makan cili giling 1/2 sudu teh kunyit 1/2 sudu teh serbuk ketumbar garam & lada hitam secukup rasa santan 4 sudu makan minyak 1 cawan air, lebih jika perlu daun ketumbar cincang
Cara memasaknya:
Ni dah dtg vit. m....... ala masak macam biasa Cuma yang ni ikan diperap dulu. Kemudian tumis darat dengan bahan yang dinyatakan mudah dan yummmyummm.
1. In a large mixing bowl, combine the ground cumin, garam masala, red chili powder, tumeric, ground coriander, salt and pepper. 2. Cut the fish into 2 inch pieces and marinate with the dry spice mixture. Cover and refrigerate for at least a few hours. 3. In a large skillet, heat 3 tbsp of the oil on medium heat and add the onions. Cook for 5 minutes until they soften and slightly brown, add the ginger and garlic. 4. Stir fry for an additional few minutes and then add the marinated fish pieces. Let the fish lightly brown on all sides and add the water. 5. Add any remaining spices from the dry marinade and the coconut milk, cover and gently simmer on low heat for 5-6 minutes. Stir gently so as to not break the fish into smaller pieces. 6. In a separate sauce pan on medium high heat, add the oil. When it is just barely smoking, very carefully add the black mustard seeds. These tend to splatter, so be careful. 7. Reduce the heat to low and add the green chilies and curry powder. After 30 seconds, remove from the heat and pour over your fish curry.
Hias dengan daun ketumbar dan hidang. |